Shared/Connected Open Call

Submit your work here

The New Wave of Photographic Talent

Emerging from the omnipresent culture of imagery, the new wave of photographic talent consists of true digital natives. They’ve grown up in a world where images reign supreme, and they play a pivotal role in capturing the essence of freedom, culture, human connection, and unity. This generation exemplifies the delicate balance between finding a genuine subjective perspective (ethics) and crafting the perfect visual expression (aesthetics). With insatiable curiosity and a thirst for innovation, they push the narrative and technical boundaries of photography to new heights.

At Rotterdam Photo, we are committed to empowering this intricate balancing act with a solid foundation—a theme broad enough to invite a myriad of independent photographers to join our festival, yet clear enough to provide visitors with a cohesive narrative that links the diverse issues raised by individual creators.

For the 2025 edition, our theme is Shared/Connected.

In the wake of half a century of neoliberalism, a new ideology is stirring: commonism. This movement challenges the relentless privatization and commercialization of shared resources and goods, as well as the enclosure of scientific knowledge and information. It stands against any form of hierarchical inequality or dominance of one group over another, offering an alternative to diluted notions of collectivism and social cooperation.



How much are we truly willing to share? And how can this be captured visually? Rotterdam Photo seeks to chart this new ideological landscape through the lens of contemporary photographers, while also embracing their critical perspectives on a utopian, commonistic society. Can we truly define a common good in an open society like ours, or is it just a superficial commitment?

The strong communal bonds of the past have been replaced by weak social connections, untethered from religious or socialist mandates. Yet, we now face the dystopian reality of ubiquitous connections, where for decades we’ve been compelled to share everything–particularly opinions and personal worldviews. The digital and logistical web we’ve woven is, in this sense, the sole authority that knows, organizes, and governs all.

What tools do we have now to live together meaningfully? How can this sense of connectedness be shared in a way that everyone values? What technological innovations will aid us in this quest?

These pressing questions resonate deeply with today’s visual artists and photographers, inspiring projects that explore (re)discovered family ties, identity issues, social and ecological engagement, and the role of artificial means in these endeavors. This has given rise to what seems to be a neo-existential movement in photography. It is precisely this movement that Rotterdam Photo seeks to highlight in this year’s Open Project Call.

Apply before December 20th and join us as we celebrate and scrutinize the intricate tapestry of connection and sharing through the visionary eyes of the new generation of photographers.

Previously, open registration was completely free, but participants were subsequently expected to pay a rental fee of EUR 500 per person. We have always been aware that in doing so, even if at cost price, we place a heavy burden on potential exhibitors. That is why a new model was chosen for the 2025 edition, by asking for a small registration fee prior to the jury process – we expect this new model to be beneficial for the ‘shortlisted’ participants.

What winners receive

Selected photographers will be invited to showcase their projects and create their exhibition in the container during the Rotterdam Photo 2025. Photographers get an opportunity to sell their works and meet gallerists, potential art buyers, and international art press professionals. Rotterdam Photo doesn’t charge any commissions for sales during the festival.

Opportunities for Photographers:

– Submission review by professionals from the photography field

– Featuring across festival/partner social networks and websites ( LensCulture, Dodho magazine, All About Photo)

-Personal exhibition project at the Rotterdam Photo 2025 (you can directly curate and craft your project)

– Special categories awards and cash prizes

– Long-term representation and promotion by the festival and on platform

– Opportunity to participate in the Rotterdam Photo Talks and RP networking events

– Publication and Inclusion in the Festival program

– International press exposure

– Be part of the event with 10.000 + visitors in the centre of Rotterdam


Want to find more about the selection process? Check out Selection Committee page